The fossil fuel often referred to as “natural” gas is 95% methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

While this gas burns cleaner than coal, leaked methane is 86 times more potent than CO2 in the first 20 years in the atmosphere.

From a climate warming perspective, leaked methane is many times worse than coal.

Gas Leaks and Methane Emissions

Leaking gas all along the system is accelerating the climate emergency.

Our reliance on gas to heat our homes and cook our food adds to increased methane emissions from leaking gas—from point of production to point of use.

Learn more about gas leaks in Massachusetts and what the Gas Transition Allies are doing to address methane emissions.

Our work on legislation and regulations focuses on reducing methane emissions with particular attention to climate justice.

Gas and Safety

Gas can and does explode, endangering people and property. 

Gas incidents can happen at any time with any gas company. Gas companies are not required to record, analyze, or publicize these regular events. 

Using gas to heat our homes and cook our food means that we’re rolling the dice every day.

Gas and Health

Gas and other fossil fuels are unhealthy, unsafe, and contribute to the climate crisis, posing public health dangers of many kinds.

Children are particularly vulnerable to pollution from gas, whether it leaks from indoor pipes or is used to cook food in their homes.

Gas Leaks Kill Trees

Leaking gas kills street trees by suffocating their root systems.

Every community deserves to have healthy trees lining its streets and sidewalks. Gas companies should be required to fix gas leaks that are destroying this public resource and to reimburse municipal governments for trees killed by gas leaks.


The Gas Transition Allies includes scientists, engineers, economists, gas safety experts, health professionals, and others who regularly document, monitor, and analyze issues regarding the gas system.  

Our advocacy for more sustainable energy systems is strongly rooted in peer-reviewed data and science. This research and analysis informs our recommendations for  accelerating an equitable transition off of fossil fuels.